360° Engagement with farmers
Our Services

Comprehensive solutions under one roof

Current Scenario of Farmers
● Poor farm mechanisation
● Unorganised agri-inputs supply chain
● Unreliable off-take (buying & purchasing
● Lack of insurance & credits
● Poor RoI (return on investiments)
● No proper use of technology & tracking
Our Solutions

With Agrix App tractors are managed efficiently throughout the year; Farmers can rent farm machinery as & when they require which aids them to cultivate the crops on time

At Agrix we maintain quality alongwith low agri costs. It increases the chances for farmers to earn more profit on their production. Agri inputs can be booked on Agri App easily.

Agrix is abreast with hyper local digital platform for farm machinery rental. With Agrix App we maximise data collections like price across regions, crop variety & health, farmers’ finances & cultivation patterns.

We work in clusters which provide critical mass for reliable market linkages for the farmers & E2E traceability for prospective off-takers with access to real-time statistics at the farm gate level.

At Agrix KisanHit Centres our passionate representatives work on the ground with the farmers to solve & guide them on day to day basis. With this support, farmers recognise & connect with Agrix better than our competitors.